Friday, May 28, 2010

Oski in AppStore

Today I receive mail from Apple: Oski game is in AppStore. Application cost 0,99$ or 0,79 EUR.

Implementation of Oski is very simple:

  • Allow play between two players

  • Check words with vocabulary and check rules

I am now preparing new version with AI player.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

WYPS in Greek

On Little Golem is new supported language for WYPS: Greek language.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

3rd LG championship

3rd LG championship won player acr01 from United States. acr01 won all his games. Two games acr01 won in less than 10 moves. In first game acr01 beat cobweb (finished as 3rd) as white in this position:

In second game acr01 beat Marius Halsor in next position:

On second place finished quiddity. Decision game between him and acr01 was one of longest in tournament. Finally acr01 won game in this position:

Final order in main group:

  1. arc01

  2. quiddity

  3. Cobweb

  4. r_malefant

  5. labradors

  6. Marius Halsor

  7. Aganju

  8. FatPhil

  9. ypercube

  10. Nafy Fathy

Some more problems from tournament:


Game #1141976 [Cobweb vs. arc01]: RESEES
Game #1141980 [Marius Halsor vs. arc01]: ENRANGE
Game #1141979 [acr01 vs. quiddity]: CHODE
Game #1141991 [Cobweb vs. labradors]: ARAISE
Game #1141975 [acr01 vs. labradors]: TAGLINE
Game #1141993 [Nagy Fathy vs. labradors]: NOMISTIC

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oski sheet for print – updated

There is simple PDF sheet for print: OskiSheet

Updated: new version of sheet.

OSKI Rules published

I love paper and pencil games. When I was child, we in family and in school often play Gomoku, Dots and Boxes, Go or Hex. I always want invent some good word game, playable as board game.

WYPS was initially developed as paper-and-pencil game too, but I was not satisfy with it and I change rules. Quentin is very simple and it is not board game - there is no board.

Finally there is OSKI. OSKI is very simple word game. Maybe simplest. I read about similar game played on orthogonal board several years ago. But I am not able to find any mention about this game now. I hope my rules are better.

OSKI - rules.


Quentin is very simple word game. There are a little changed rules against rules published on


First player wrote two letters word. Next player must add one letter and from all letters must create some new, unused word. If is not able create some new word, she can strikes some letters. Player who first strike more than 8 (or any other limit) letters is out of game. Last players win game.

Game example:

3 -players game with 4 strikes limit:

1. AM
2. MAY

1. MEAN (Y was strike) [3 strikes left]
3. MAKES [3]

1. ASKED [2]
2. BASED [3]
3. ABLE [1]

2. LATER [2]
3. CLEAR [0]

1. EARLY [1]

1. CALLED [-1] player is out of game
2. HE next player start again with new word
3. THE

3. TYPE [-1]

Second player won whole game.

2nd LG Championship

Second championship was very close. In final group was 11 players. As many as four players won 8 games from 10 players. For determine final order was used Sonnenborn-Berger tie-breaking system. Winner is again Cobweb from United Kingdom. Final order of main group:

1.  Cobweb        16

2.  r_malenfant   16

3.  acr01         16

4.  maraca        16

5.  FatPhil       10

6.  klaashaas     10

7.  Friendless     8

8.  Leo Green      6

9.  tomletermite   6

10. Looser         4

11. Paradox        2

One of nicest moves in tournament was played between Cobweb and maraca. In game #1110410 Cobweb as black beat maraca with really incredible move:

In game #1110420 r_malenfant as white beat Cobweb with incredible move too:

Some other very hard problems from tournament:


Game #1110410: SORCERESS

Game #1110420: BROTHERED