Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review of WYPS

Czech magazine (Deskove Hry = Board Games) publish review of WYPS. Review is in Czech and English too.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

WYPS in February 2012 - 11th Championship

In February finished 9th French WYPS championship (winner Paul Gautherot) and 11th Italian championship (winner Super Chicken). But in february finished main 11th WYPS championship too.

Winner of 11th became Allan Mertner. It is his first win in WYPS championship - congratulation !!

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There is final interesting position of game between Allan Mertner and beppi: hero (finished 2nd). For last move Allan used all his stones, but there is no move for white player.

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In this position white player (Clint) resigns his game against Allan Mertner. White player could continue in game with move FORLORN, but black has letter F and after his move FORLORN is game finished. By the way in this position has winner 11 stones less than loser ! It is interesting but in game #1388597 had winner 23 stones less than loser !

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Longest word was played in this position. White (Nagy Fathy  - winner of group 1 in second league) found word MOISTURIZERS. The same player found in another game word DYOTHELITIC. And I lost only game with labradors - when he found word COROLLARIES.

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Position from game #1388517 from second league. Only three games in tournament finished with full board.