Monday, February 28, 2011

OSKI - 3rd championship finished

3rd championship finished with the same result as 2nd: Two winners - Jordi and Michael won all games and their game is draw.

In next position Jordi found 9-letters word and game was draw.

Jordi found word STACKINGS.

Jordi won all his games without problems. Michael won two his games only by 1 point.

In tournament played 47 players in 6 groups.

Two championships finished

On February 21st were finished two championships: 3rd Italian championship and 3rd Number championship.

3rd Italian championship

There are three winners: beppi, Luca Bruzzi and Aganju. Aganju won 6th English championship, 1st and 2nd Spanish championship.

3rd Number championship

In Number championship played 44 players - it is second most popular WYPS championship (after English version). Author of WYPS - Richard Malaschitz, finished on 3rd place.

Changes in Italian letter distribution

For Italian version of WYPS is there new letter distribution:

Ix12, Ax11, Ex9, Ox8, Rx7, Tx6, Nx5, Sx5, Cx4, Lx4, Mx3, Px3, Ux3, Bx2, Dx2, Fx2, Gx2, Vx2, Zx1

Game is played without letters H,Q,J,K,W,X,Y. Letter H has appearance 0.48 letter pre 91 letters.

If somebody wants H in game, distribution will be:

Ax11, Ix11, Ex9, Ox8, Rx7, Tx6, Nx5, Sx5, Cx4, Lx4, Mx3, Px3, Ux3, Bx2, Dx2, Fx2, Gx2, Vx2, Hx1, Zx1

Monday, February 14, 2011

WYPS championships in foreign languages

On LittleGolem is WYPS championships played in Spanish, German, French and Italian. There are links to tournament tables and name of winners.


2nd champioship

Winner in maraca.

In this position maraca played move ORGANE and connect all three sides.


2nd championship

Winner is beppi.


2nd championship

Winner is tomletermite.


2nd championship

Winner is Aganju.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Finished WYPS championships

In last week finished both WYPS championships in English: 7th championship and 3rd championship on small board.

Main championship was very close. Four players has 10 points - 5 wins and 3 losses: Hollo (Hungary), labradors (Barbados), Cllint (United States), Allan Mertner (United Kingdom). According to secondary criteria winner became Hollo.

There is one position from final. Hollo (as white) play excellent move (turn 3 black stones, connect all three sides of board).


Championship on small board won gpallis. He lost only one game. By the way gpallis won 1st championship on small board too.