Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WYPS for 5 players

There is attempt to play WYPS with more than two players. Game is played as standard WYPS until game board is full. For score are important largest connected areas for every player. Example of game for 5 players on board-13:

Final score:

Yellow: 17
Green: 11
Red: 8
Black: 7
White: 7

For more interactivity could be used scoring where for every pair of players is scoring difference between players (for example Red give 3 points to Green):

Yellow: +35
Green: +5
Red: -10
Black: -15
White: -15

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

WYPS championships with new rules

On LittleGolem began a several championships and all tournaments began with new rules. There are link to final groups:

Main WYPS championship: